Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Welcome to the Jungle

This is my first entry. My plan is to use this blog as more of a journal to track those funny, daily events where you think, "Oh..I should write this down!"

Today school was cancelled because of snow. The storm that dumped 88 inches of snow on D.C. gave us about 3-6". It was still pretty cool.

John, Maryn and Kate played with friends. Iris had a little boy named Cole over to play. I told her to have some stuff for boys to play cause I didn't think he would like barbie dolls and polly pockets. She did not listen to me. She made him play house and school...and barbie dolls and polly pockets. I don't think he'll be back anytime soon!

L-R: Tommy Boy, John Strobel and John the Baptist

Maryn and Kate

L-R: Messy Meg, Maryn, Iris Jane and Cake (Kate)

Iris was cold.