Tuesday, August 13, 2013

It has been a long time since my last post. I will attempt to give a brief synopsis of the 2012-2013 school year. Keep it pithy!
                First Day of School:
              John the senior, Maryn the sophomore 

L-R John M, Tom, John S, Sarah, Lauren, and Meg

10 years later!
L-R Sarah, Abby, Maryn, Meg, John S, John M, and Jacob.
Tom and Lauren had graduated long ago :(

Family Christmas Card 2012

Santa 2012

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


John told me that he doesn't need to bring home his Chemistry book to study chemistry because his teacher does not teach out of the book. When I asked him how he does his homework, he said from his notes. He said that is also how he studies for tests. Apparently he has not opened his textbook yet this WHOLE YEAR.

He also has a 74.7% in the class.

And he does not need to bring home a textbook.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Mother's Day 2010

Mother's Day 2010. Huber's, of course, need you even ask?

CJ with her darling angels at Huber's.

Rob, Maryn and John.

The whole gang at church.

18 Years of Wedded Bliss

April 28, 2010, heralded 18 years of wedded bliss for Rob and me. In celebration, the two of us went to the Bahamas. We had a wondrous time. It was unseasonably cool, but we still enjoyed ourselves. It was very relaxing. We returned home just as pasty white as the day we left.
Rob in front of The Royal Towers.

It was so cold we stayed out just long enough to take this picture. My teeth were chattering! Notice that the pool is empty.

If you build it, they will take their picture in it.

Obligatory "View From the Room" picture.

Rob looks just as young as the first day I met him.

Lueker Genealogy Addiction

Currently I am ADDICTED to ancestry.com. Initially I started visiting the site because I wanted to find out what happened to my grandfather, Daniel Luker, who deserted my dad and the rest of his family in 1943. My dad, John Luker, was only two years old at the time. As a result of my research, I have discovered an entire branch of the family that I had never even considered were in existence!

The Lueker Family (from which I am a descendant), was established, for the most part, in Madison County, Illinois, by a couple of Lueker brothers after they immigrated from Germany in the 1850's. I am very excited to learn more! I am also learning lots about my mom's side and Rob's side. I will post pics as I find them. Wish me luck!!

If you are a Lueker from the Madison County, Illinois branch- please contact me.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Welcome to the Jungle

This is my first entry. My plan is to use this blog as more of a journal to track those funny, daily events where you think, "Oh..I should write this down!"

Today school was cancelled because of snow. The storm that dumped 88 inches of snow on D.C. gave us about 3-6". It was still pretty cool.

John, Maryn and Kate played with friends. Iris had a little boy named Cole over to play. I told her to have some stuff for boys to play cause I didn't think he would like barbie dolls and polly pockets. She did not listen to me. She made him play house and school...and barbie dolls and polly pockets. I don't think he'll be back anytime soon!

L-R: Tommy Boy, John Strobel and John the Baptist

Maryn and Kate

L-R: Messy Meg, Maryn, Iris Jane and Cake (Kate)

Iris was cold.